========================================================= :mod:`~psychxr.tools.vrmath` - Tools for VR related math ========================================================= .. currentmodule:: psychxr.tools.vrmath Toolbox of classes and functions for performing VR related math. These are used to describe and compute the spatial configuration of objects in a VR scene for the purpose of rendering and interaction. **Be aware that this module is currently in an early phase of development and may be incomplete and buggy. Please test it out and report any bugs encountered.** Overview ======== Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: RigidBodyPose BoundingBox Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: calcEyePoses Details ======= Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: RigidBodyPose :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: BoundingBox :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: calcEyePoses